Workplace health and wellbeing resources and services

  • St Johns Ambulance have provided a sample health and wellbeing policy which can be used as a template for any workplace.

         Creating a workplace wellbeing policy

  • ACAS provides advice on how to write a workplace Mental Health policy.

         Having a policy - Supporting mental health at work - Acas

The Public Health Workplace Health Team are working with local businesses and organisations across Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Milton Keynes to promote a healthy, productive and motivated workforce through the offer of FREE health and wellbeing services: 

  • Healthy weight programmes and training 
  • Smoke free workplaces, programmes and training 
  • Active Travel advice and support 
  • Mental health and wellbeing support and training 
  • Domestic abuse awareness training 
  • Inclusive employment advice and support 

The Workplace Health and Wellbeing 2024 can be accessed here

Why is this important?

Leadership is key to workplace health and wellbeing. Leaders are responsible for creating a culture which supports employee health and wellbeing. There is clear evidence that productivity increases in organisations which show commitment to and value their workforce.

The following resources provide information to improve health and wellbeing leadership in your workplace:

Background evidence

  • Health matters: health and work Public Health England information and guidance on creating healthy workplaces.
  • Health and work: infographics a series of infographics to raise awareness and understanding of the relationship between health and work.
  • Working for a Healthier Tomorrow is a report by Dame Carol Black (2008) on health, work and wellbeing. 
  • The Chartered Institute of Personnel Development (CIPD) survey report on Health and wellbeing at work.  
  • Economic evidence report on workplace health 2016 by the British Heart Foundation and ERS Research. 
  • Evolve Workplace Wellbeing have created a free, evidence-informed workplace wellbeing toolkit so that employers can take action to help businesses evolve and thrive. Employers can find out the potential financial benefits of increasing employee wellbeing with an innovative cost effectiveness calculator. The calculator is an interactive tool which demonstrates the financial savings that could be associated with different kinds of workplace initiatives via improved employee wellbeing and boosts to productivity.
  • Legal & General have established a ground-breaking partnership with the UCL Institute of Health Equity to examine how businesses can help to reduce health inequalities.

    Watch the video:

    Watch the animation:

  • Workplace wellbeing cost calculator tool. The Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)  have developed a tool to help employers to work out the costs of poor employee health to their organisation and create a business case for taking action. 
  • Employers can use this tool to:
  • Calculate the annual cost of employee ill health, absence from work and staff turnover
  • Create business cases for workplace health and wellbeing initiatives
  • Estimate the return on investment of setting up a health and wellbeing programme

Guidance documents and factsheets

Health needs assessment

  • Public Health England (PHE) Workplace Health Needs Assessment survey template for employers to use to assess the needs and priorities of their workforce.
  • Create employee surveys and questionnaires using Survey Monkey.
  • The Centre for Disease Control and Prevention has produced guidance on Workplace Health Assessment a process of gathering information about the factors that support and/or hinder the health of employees at a particular workplace and identifying potential opportunities to improve or address them.

The following services are available to support leadership in health and wellbeing in the workplace:

  • Milton Keynes | Bedford Borough | Central Bedfordshire local authority economic development teams provide information and support relating to the economy of the area.
  • The South Midlands Growth Hub (previously SEMLEP) provides free business advice and guidance, focusing on three core areas, Business Support, Funding and Grants, and Resource Provision
  • The Federation of Small Businesses offers information, support, campaigns and events for small businesses helping them to start, run and grow.


Flexible working – resources and guidance:

The Department for Education (DfE) has published non-statutory guidance alongside a flexible working toolkit, which includes practical resources to help school leaders to implement flexible working and to support school staff to request it. DfE has produced these resources in partnership with school leaders and other sector experts. 

DfE is also delivering a programme focused on embedding flexible working in schools and trusts. This includes supportive webinars and peer support provided by flexible working ambassador schools and trusts. Webinars cover a range of topics including timetabling and making a flexible working request

Why is this important?

Employee mental health underpins a productive and engaged workforce. Promoting good mental health at work is a key part of being a responsible employer who values the contribution of employees. 

The Mental Health Foundation report that:

  • Almost 1 in 7 people experience mental health problems in the workplace.
  • Almost 13% of all sickness absence can be attributed to mental health conditions.
  • There is clear evidence that businesses profit from investing in mental health workplace interventions.

The following resources provide information to improve mental health and wellbeing in your workplace:

Workplace Volunteering 

  • Community action MK have a list of local charities and community groups that offer employee volunteering opportunities for workplace in Milton Keynes.
  • Worktree – Giving is one of the 5 ways to wellbeing. Volunteer, and enable your workforce to volunteer with Worktree to inspire young people with their future careers by sharing your own experiences. 96% of volunteers stated that volunteering made them feel more positive about their own job role.
  • Community Voluntary Service employer-supported volunteering opportunities in Bedfordshire.

Financial wellbeing


The following mental health and wellbeing services are available to you and your employees locally:

  • A directory of adult mental health services across Milton Keynes, Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire has been developed by NHS Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes CCG      
  • Cruse Bereavement Support offer help and information for anyone suffering a bereavement.
  • Rethink is a local community support service for people with longer term or more significant needs. 
  • Talking Therapies Milton Keynes improving access to psychological therapies (IAPT), this is a free, confidential NHS service providing psychological treatment for depression and anxiety disorders for Milton Keynes residents. Talk for Change also offers free support and advice services to workplaces. 
  • Talking Therapies Bedfordshire is for residents of Bedfordshire who experience physiological issues including anxiety, phobias and depression. Bedfordshire Wellbeing Service also offers free support and advice services to workplaces. 
  • Community Learning MK and select the 'health and wellbeing' link for a range of free courses for all employees in Milton Keynes, Central Bedfordshire and Bedford Borough.
  • Bedfordshire Recovery College offers free courses and workshops for employees who are using or have used ELFT mental health services. 
  • Milton Keynes Recovery and Wellbeing College offers free courses and workshops for employees who are using or have used CNWL mental health services.
  • Beds RCC is at the forefront of developing green social prescribing in Bedfordshire - nature-based activities that support health and wellbeing.
  • ManCave – Mental health support group for men in Milton Keynes and now available in surrounding areas of Bedford or Central Bedfordshire.
  • Shout is a free 24/7 UK mental health text service for crisis support.

Financial wellbeing

  • Money helper provides free, confidential and independent money and debt advice for employees. 
  • Citizens Advice Bedford – Provide free and confidential advice and support on a range of topics, including debt, benefits, employment, relationships, housing and consumer matters
  • Citizens Advice Mid Bedfordshire  – Provide free and confidential advice and support on a range of topics, debt, benefits, employment, relationships, housing and consumer matters.
  • Citizens Advice Milton Keynes – Provide free and confidential advice and support on a range of topics, debt, benefits, employment, relationships, housing and consumer matters.

Stress in the workplace


  • R;pple suicide prevention is an interceptive tool designed to present a visual prompt when a person searches for harmful keywords or phrases relating to the topic of self-harm or suicide.
  • Samaritans are available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress, despair or suicidal thoughts. Tel: 08457 90 90 90 (24 hours a day).

Why is this important?

Absence management is very important as it can negatively affect continuity, performance, moral and output. Good absence management shows your workforce you care.

The following resources provide information to manage absence in your workplace:

Why is it important? 

In Milton Keynes, Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire, between 10 and 13 people in every 1000 are living with alcohol dependence and between three and six people in every thousand are opiate and/or crack users. Many of these people have unmet needs which impacts on significant outcomes in crime, employment and safeguarding.             . 

Substance misuse icons

Drug and alcohol misuse has a big impact on the workplace. The Institute of Alcohol Studies (2019) surveyed a nationally representative sample of 3,400 British workers about how their work had been affected both by their own drinking. 42% had gone to work hungover or under the influence of alcohol and rated their performance at work to be 39% less effective than usual. Mistakes and accidents at work also increase for people under the influence of alcohol.  

Regularly drinking more than the advised levels increases the risk of ill health, such as heart disease, diabetes and liver disease. Gambling addiction is a cruel mental health condition that can devastate people’s lives. A recent Government review found that gambling is linked to loss of concentration on work activities, showing up late, not turning up for work or turning up after no sleep. Close associates of gamblers also reported their work performance being affected, and work colleagues and employers also suffered

The following resources provide information to support employees with substance misuse issues in your workplace: 

The following substance misuse services are available to you and your employees locally:

Why is it important? 

The Health and Safety Executive (2020-2021) report that in recent years the rate of self-reported work-related ill health, including stress and anxiety, musculoskeletal disorders and occupational diseases, has increased. Despite a higher number of workplace injuries being reported, ill health contributes to a greater proportion of total costs to the workplace due to increased time off work. 

Recent research on stress in the workplace (2020-2021 Mind Index Insights) found:

  • 21% of employees called in sick to avoid workplace stress.
  • 14% reported that they had resigned and 42% had considered resigning due to workplace stress.
  • 30% of employees disagreed with the statement ‘I would feel able to talk openly with my line manager if I was feeling stressed’  
  • 56% of employers said they would like to do more to improve staff wellbeing but felt they didn’t have the right training or guidance  

The following resources provide information to improve health and safety in your workplace:

General health and safety


Domestic abuse resource

  • Domestic abuse and the workplace. A TUC survey report shares information about the impact of domestic abuse on the workplace. 
  • White Ribbon is the UK’s leading charity to end violence against women and girls. All organisations, large or small are able to become White Ribbon UK Accredited. 
  • European Agency for Safety and Health at Work Domestic abuse in the workplace – discussion paper. 
  • Domestic abuse toolkit for employers developed by Business in the Community (BITC)
  • Milton Keynes Council | Bedford Borough Council | Central Bedfordshire Council Local authority information on domestic abuse
  • Government guidance on domestic abuse and how to get help for victims.
  • Chrysalis Centre is a service to support people who live in Bedfordshire and display coercive and controlling behaviours. The programme challenges underlying abusive behaviours by providing education and support to enable healthy, safe and positive relationships. Click here for more information.
  • CIPD guidance for people professional on managing and supporting employees experiencing domestic abuse.
  • A BDAP Support Hub is an area in a public building that enables someone experiencing domestic abuse to be able to make a confidential call, use the internet safely to get help or to just be somewhere safe. If you are a workplace based in Bedfordshire and would like to offer a support hub please click here for more information.
  • The Public Health Workplace Health team in partnership with Central Bedfordshire Council have created a template domestic abuse policy that any workplace in Central Bedfordshire, Milton Keynes and Bedford Borough can use  to demonstrate their commitment to supporting people who have experienced domestic abuse in the workplace. Find the template domestic abuse pledge here

 Musculoskeletal health

Health Protection

Reducing the spread of respiratory infections including COVID 19. Government guidance for workplaces.

  • Tuberculosis in the workplace Government guidance and information for employers.
  • COVID vaccination information from the Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Health and Care Partnership.

The following Health and Safety services are available to you and your employees locally: 

  • To find out who is responsible for enforcing health and safety in your workplace, please visit the HSE website 
  • Contact the Health and Safety Executive for information and advice on health and safety issues in workplaces, enforced by the HSE.
  • Milton Keynes | Bedford Borough | Central Bedfordshire Local authority health and safety teams provide free health and safety advice and information to workplaces, enforced by local authorities.
  • BRIDGE Project - The BRIDGE Project offers a structured behaviour change programme in Bedfordshire for individuals who have a history of being violent or abusive in a relationship, or have concerns regarding their behaviour, and want support changing this behaviour. 
  • MK ACT is a charity that support residents of Milton Keynes who experience domestic abuse. Advice and support covers crisis intervention, accommodation, refuge, specialist support for children, counselling and much more.
  • MK ACT also offer workplace domestic abuse training
  • Bedfordshire Domestic Abuse Partnership BDAP offers advice and information about domestic abuse. This includes a directory of local services for people living in Bedfordshire.
  • Victims First - is a service to support people who live in Bedfordshire and display coercive and controlling behaviours. The programme challenges underlying abusive behaviours by providing education and support to enable healthy, safe and positive relationships.

Musculoskeletal services


Why is it important? 

On average, obese people take four extra sick days per year (Harvey et al., 2010) which has implications for people’s health and the workplace. Research has shown (BMJ 20 17) substantial short-term and long-term costs to businesses from overweight or obese employees through absenteeism, presenteeism, indirect costs and productivity loss. 

In Milton Keynes and Central Bedfordshire, the self-reported percentage of people overweight or obese is larger than the regional average at 66-70%. In Bedford Borough 63% of people report they are overweight or obese, similar to the regional average. 

Being overweight or obese leads to an increased risk of many additional health problems such as diabetes, heart disease, back problems, respiratory complaints, cancers, eyesight problems and mental health challenges caused by low self-esteem, social exclusion and stigma. 

Employees who are physically active take 27% fewer sick days than inactive employees (British Heart Foundation 2016). Physical inactivity is a high risk factor for ill health and mortality. People who have a physically active lifestyle have a 20-35% lower risk of cardiovascular disease, coronary heart disease and stroke as well as a reduced risk of diabetes, obesity, osteoporosis and colon/breast cancer and have improved mental health. 

The following resources provide information to promote healthy weight and physical activity in your workplace:

The following Healthy Eating and Physical Activity services are available to you and your employees locally 

  • MoreLife provide free weight management services for employees living in Milton Keynes, Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire, as well as a range of free advice services and training to Milton Keynes, Bedford Borough and Central Bedfordshire workplaces.
  • Weight Watchers or Slimming World. Offer weight management programmes.
  • NHS Choices. For advice, tips and tools to support health and wellbeing
  • Leap provide a host of resources and information to encourage adults, living in Milton Keynes, to keep moving.
  • The MKCC Sports Development team supports and co-ordinates a range of sporting and recreation opportunities for everyone across Milton Keynes. 
  • Sports and physical activity | Bedford Borough Council  supports and co-ordinates a range of sporting and recreation opportunities for everyone across Bedford Borough.
  • Home | BeActive ( provide a range of services to encourage people in Bedfordshire to be physically active.
  • Modeshift  is a sustainable travel organisation offering resources and rewards schemes for organisations.
  • Milton Keynes - Get Around MK provides a range of services to support active travel in the workplace. 
  • BBC Active Travel team provides a range of services to support active travel in the workplace. 
  • CBC Active Travel team provides a range of services to support active travel in the workplace. The latest 2023-2024 Workplace Health and Wellbeing Service Offer brochure can be downloaded here.
  • WE ARE UNDEFEATABLE provides support to people with a number of health conditions to get more active. 
  • Stronger My Way provides support to people with a health condition to engage in strengthening activity. 
  • NHS fitness studio a range of free instructor led exercise videos. 
  • NHS Active 10 Walking Tracker An app to support weight loss, becoming more active and improving mood. 
  • MK Health Walks These volunteer-led walking groups enables an opportunity to explore the green spaces in Milton Keynes, make new friends, improve your health, stay active and have fun for free. While all walks are open to anyone, organisers offer a range of walking paces, distances and locations across the city. 

Why is it important? 

Inclusion can benefit your business, not only to maintain talent as an employer but also to gain a better understanding of your customers. The more diverse your workforce is, the more customer and clients you’ll reach and the better and faster you’ll solve problems. Valuing your staff and giving them a sense of belonging and acceptance means employees will be eager to progress their career further in you company. Moreover, if you publicise your diversity and inclusion policies, more people are likely to want to join you.

The following resources provide information to improve inclusive employment in your workplace:

  • Armed Forces Covenant is a national scheme ensuring those who serve or have served in the armed forces are treated fairly in the workplace.
  • Diverse by design guidelines from the Local Government Association captures the 15 key elements that are fundamental to helping you embed fair values, practices and behaviours throughout your organisation.
  • The Work and Opportunities for Women (WOW) report on sexual health rights in the workplace. Sexual and reproductive health is a key component of our health and wellbeing, affecting men, women and transgender people throughout their lives. There is reasonably strong evidence that workplace wellness interventions – which either focus on or include a component on SRH – may produce quantifiable business benefits in the form of reduced absenteeism, sick leave and late days, reduced staff attrition and increased productivity.
  • Supporting employees with terminal illness: a guide to workplace policies and practice | Institute for Employment Studies (IES) ( This guide sets out the most important things employers should think about to support employees with a terminal illness. Showing your workforce they will be supported if they’re affected by terminal illness underlines your organisation’s culture and values.


  • Menopause at work CIPD guidance on how to provide effective support for employees.
  • The menopause at work. guidance document. A guide for managers by The East London Foundation Trust.
  • Menopause Support provides education, information, advice, and support for those experiencing menopause and those seeking to support them. The charity also provides corporate menopause awareness training and educational workshops for wellbeing professionals. 
  • Menopause Reality in the Workplace
  • Menopause and the Workplace: How to enable fulfilling working lives: government response. This independent report was published on 25 November 2021 and contains ten recommendations aimed at bringing about comprehensive change and support for those experiencing the menopause.



Guidance and support for managers explaining what neurodiversity is, the value of neurodiversity in the workplace, and how neurodivergent employees at work be supported. (remove the you as the sentence didn’t make sense).

An ageing workforce

Supported internships for people with additional needs. In this video, hear from individuals who are thriving in supported internships, along with their families and employers. Supported internships are designed to help young people with additional needs transition into employment. They learn on the job, but also study a curriculum.


The following inclusive employment services are available to you and your employees locally: 

  • Shaw Trust offer the Work and Health Programme (WHP) which supports people to gain skills and confidence to step into the employment world. To self-refer or refer someone else click here. The WHP is interested to link up with workplaces who have signed up for the Disability Confident Employer Scheme to explore how they can support you with their talent pool of new employees. For workplace based in Milton Keynes – please contact: For workplaces based in Central Bedfordshire or Bedford Borough please contact:
  • The DWP and Maximus Access to work MH support service employer toolkit provides a collection of resources including leaflets, videos and a webinar, to help you make the most out of the Access to Work cost-free support service. You can find out how the service works, and how it can benefit your organisation.
  • BBC Supported Employment team offers free support to Bedford Borough workplaces to recruit people with a disability and support people with a disability into work. The latest 2022-2023 Workplace Health and Wellbeing Service Offer brochure can be downloaded here.
  • CBC Supported Employment team offers free support to Central Bedfordshire workplaces to recruit people with a disability and support people with a disability into work. The latest 2022-2023 Workplace Health and Wellbeing Service Offer brochure can be downloaded here.
  • AbilityNet are a charity providing free training, support and resources to help address the disability employment gap.
  • Individual Placement Support (IPS) team Bedfordshire offers free support to people, who are open to mental health services, into work and support workplaces to recruit people with mental health challenges.
  • Individual Placement Support (IPS) team Milton Keynes offers free support to people in Milton Keynes, who are open to mental health services, into work and support workplaces to recruit people with mental health challenges.
  • Dementia Friends offers free support to organisations to become dementia friendly and to rollout Dementia Friends to their workforce. The latest 2022-2023 Workplace Health and Wellbeing Service Offer brochure can be downloaded here.
  • the iCaSH service for Bedfordshire provides a range of sexual health services for employees as well as advice support and training for workplaces on sexual health and consent. For more information, please see the Workplace Health and Wellbeing Service Offer here
  • the iCaSH service for Milton Keynes provides a range of sexual health services for employees as well as advice support and training for workplaces on sexual health and consent. For more information, please see the Workplace Health and Wellbeing Service Offer here
  • Youth Employment UK – offers support to workplaces regarding the employment of young people  Young Talent and Early Careers Recruitment Services for Employers - Youth Employment UK
  • MyTimeMK connects unpaid carers who could benefit from a break from their demanding roles with businesses and organisations who kindly donate complimentary leisure, cultural and educational activities. Your employees could benefit from the scheme and your workplace may be interested in donating an activity!


  • Carers MK offer support and advice to unpaid carers and young carers in Milton Keynes. 
  • Carers in Bedfordshire offer support and advice to carers and young carers in Bedfordshire.

Why is it important? 

Smoking is the most important cause of preventable ill health and death in the UK (PHE 2017/18).  Over 13% of adults in Bedford Borough and Milton Keynes are smokers (2020). This is higher than the regional percentage. In Central Bedfordshire the percentage of smokers is similar to the regional average at 12.5% (2020) 

The British Heart Foundation (2014) states that cigarette breaks cost employers £1,815 a year for each full-time worker who smokes.  This significantly impacts on the business and the health of an employee as smokers generally have poorer health and take more sick days and are less productive than non-smokers (BMJ 2001). 

The following resources provide information to reduce smoking and tobacco use in your workplace

The following Stop Smoking services are available to you and your employees locally

  • Stop Smoking Service for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Milton Keynes employees. Telephone 0800 013 0553.