Precedence within the Council’s area
By a tradition which goes back over many years, the Mayor of a Council is its first citizen and takes precedence over all other persons within the Council’s area, except members of the Royal Family, or the Lord Lieutenant of the County if specifically delegated to represent Royalty at that particular function. When the Mayor and the High Sheriff of Buckinghamshire are attending the same event in Milton Keynes, the Mayor will take precedence.
The Local Government Act 1972 provides that “The Chairman of a District Council shall have precedence in the District, but not so as prejudicially to affect Her Majesty’s Royal Prerogative”. Subject to this proviso, the place to be reserved for the Mayor should be on the immediate right of the Host or other person presiding. The Mayor’s guest should be seated on the immediate right of the Mayor, or on the left of the Host.
Form of address
The correct wording when writing to the Mayor is The Mayor of Milton Keynes, and the salutation is: Dear Madam Mayor or Dear Mr Mayor.
For an announcement The Mayor of Milton Keynes, Councillor (insert name), is correct. The usual mode of oral address is Madam Mayor/ Madam or Mr Mayor/Mayor.
Formal address for the Consort is Mr (insert first and surname).
After the initial introduction, the formal address may be shortened to Mr (insert surname).
Formal address for the Deputy Mayoress is Ms/Mrs (insert name).
Invitations and information form
If you would like to invite the Mayor to an event, please complete the online form, this will enable you to upload any supporting documents. Alternatively supporting information can be sent to
It is best to give as much notice as possible of any forthcoming invitations to the Mayor in order that they can be given consideration in good time (2 weeks’ minimum). All invitations are considered and acceptance (or decline) will be sent as soon as possible.
Publicity and advertising
Arranging publicity, attendance by the press etc is the responsibility of the event organisers and not the Mayor’s office or the Council. Any publicity referring to the Mayor’s attendance must be authorised by the Council. Please send a draft copy to the Mayor’s Secretary for consideration.
Organisers of events, particularly those belonging to commercial organisations should note that it is not permissible to use the attendance of the Mayor or Deputy Mayor at an event to advertise goods or services. Attendance by the Mayor or Deputy Mayor does not imply an endorsement of any goods or services.
Arrival and departure
Organisers must appoint someone to meet the Mayor on arrival the moment he/she steps out of the car and escort the Mayor to the Host for the occasion. The Mayor should not be left unattended during the event.
The time given for arrival should be such as will ensure the Mayor will arrive a few minutes before the commencement of the function.
Details of available parking should be provided.
Additional information
It is very important that an emergency contact number be supplied, that is valid at the date and time of the engagement, in case of delays, last minute changes to availability or the Mayors driver has difficulty locating the venue.
Please provide as much background information about the organisation/event as possible.
Participation by the Mayor at functions – e.g. speeches, openings and awards
If you wish the Mayor to say a few words, make a short speech, hand out awards, cut a ribbon, or take any active part in the proceedings, the Mayor is always happy to do so, but please note this on the Mayoral Form, or advise the Mayor’s Office in advance.
In the case of a short speech, some indication must be given as to the time allocated for the speech, and where it comes in the proceedings. The Mayor would also appreciate being supplied with some bulleted guidance notes in advance to assist them, especially if organisers wish the Mayor to make reference to the work of their organisation.
It would also be of assistance if any supplementary information, e.g., an annual report, newsletter, could be supplied as background information for the Mayor.
Where possible the Mayor should not be called upon to speak or take an active part at a function unless advised previously. However, should it be found necessary during the course of the event, that you wish the Mayor to take part or perform a particular task, the Mayor would be pleased to give their consideration if requested to do so.
Dress requirements
It is important that the Mayor and guest of the Mayor are briefed on exact dress requirements. These should be indicated on the information form.