Variations - apply online

Please have your completed application form on your device ready for upload, along with all the other necessary documentation

Internal changes to buildings or erection of marquees, may require a Building Regulation application. Please visit Building Regulations for more information.

Full Variation

Apply to Vary your Premise Licence or Club Premises Certificate

Premises Licence and Club Premises Certificate Variation application Notice (PDF, 26KB)

(N.B Notices are for A3 paper size and must be blue)

Guidance documents:

Guidance for premises licence applicants

Advertising applications (PDF, 86KB) / Newspaper public notice template

Fee table

Minor Variation

Apply for a Minor Variation of a Premises Licence or Club Premises Certificate

Minor Variation Notice (PDF, 27KB)

(N.B. Notices are for A3 paper size and must be white)

Guidance for minor variation applicants (PDF, 78KB) 

Fee table