Rules for animal movements

Most movements of livestock are made under a General Licence issued by the Secretary of State (DEFRA).

Sheep, goats, deer and pigs require a movement document.

To prevent the spread of disease a 'standstill period' is triggered when livestock is moved onto premises. Livestock can't be moved off those premises until the standstill period has expired:

  • sheep, goats, deer, cattle - 6 days
  • pigs - 20 days

Sheep, goats and deer

  • The Livestock Information Service (LIS) can currently be used for reporting sheep, goat, and deer movements in England. There is also an option to maintain an online Holding Register by recording other livestock events such as tagging. 
  • The LIS can be accessed by visiting the Livestock information service 
  • Further information about the LIS can be found here


  • Pig movements must be recorded using the eAML2 service (an electronic version of the AML2 form).
  • Please contact the eAML2 helpline for further information on 0844 335 8400.


Environmental Health contact information

Postal address:, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ