Public path orders

A landowner or member of the public can apply for a public path order (PPO) to create, extinguish or divert a footpath, bridleway or restricted byway - any application to alter an existing public right of way must meet the strict tests set out in the relevant legislation.  

Apply for a PPO.  The application fee for these applications during the 2024/2025 financial year is £2750. Please note that any application is open to consultation which means it can be a lengthy process.

As surveying authority, MK City Council keeps a register of public paths orders:


Reference Number: 10002/AB/PPO

Parish Name: Bletchley

Path Number: 030

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for Newton Leys development

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 09/08/2013

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 486932 231077, 486932 231077

Application Map

Reference Number: 10001/FP82/PPO

Parish Name: Bletchley

Path Number: 082

Type: Footpath


Diversion Resolved by a Definitive Map Modification Order

Date received: 28/11/2016

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 484732 233462, 484694 233450

Application Map

Reference Number: 10002/08/AB

Parish Name: Bletchley 

Path Number: 026 & 028

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for Newton Leys development

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 09/03/2011

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487330 231342  486400 231505

Application Map

Bow Brickhill

Reference Number: 1100/PDI/E43/13/WL
Parish Name: Bow Brickhill
Path Number: 009
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion near Parkway, Woburn Sands
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 01/01/2008
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 490841 234688, 490935 234716
Application Map


Reference Number:  ROW0065P/21/JW
Parish Name: Bow Brickhill
Path Number: 4, 4A, 4B 
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion relating to development off Brickhill Street 
Status: Order confirmed 
Date received: 
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way:

Application Map 


Reference Number: ROW0162P/21/JW

Parish Name: Calverton

Path Number: 55

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for Western Expansion Area Development

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 13/08/2021

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480974 237921, 481521 238370

Application Map

Reference Number: 10045/AB

Parish Name: Calverton

Path Number: 055

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for Western Expansion Area Development

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 08/04/2012

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 481335 238120, 481589 238321

Application Map

Reference Number: 10045/08

Parish Name: Calverton

Path Number: 045

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion in Western Expansion Area 11

Status: Consultation phase

Date received: 17/07/2014

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479649/238931, 479879/238890

Application Map

Reference Number: 10045/5

Parish Name: Calverton

Path Number: 052

Type: Footpath

Description: Extinguishment for Western Expansion Area development

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 14/12/2015

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480810 38064, 48755 238351

Application Map

Reference Number: 10045/6

Parish Name: Calverton

Path Number: 056

Type: Footpath

Description: Extinguishment for Western Expansion Area development

Status: Objections received; application withdrawn

Date received: 21/12/2015

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480915 237886, 481083 237513

Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0161P/18/RA

Parish Name: Calverton

Path Number: 054

Type: Footpath

Description: Extinguishment for Western Expansion Area development

Status: Objections received; application withdrawn

Date received: 10/08/2018

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480915 237887, 280771 238032     

Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0162P/18/RA

Parish Name: Calverton

Path Number: 055

Type: Footpath

Description: Extinguishment for Western Expansion Area development

Status: Objections received; application withdrawn

Date received: 10/08/2018

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480915 237887, 481000 237937

Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0161,0162,0163P/19/RA

Parish Name: Calverton

Path Number: 054, 055, 056

Type: Footpath

Description: Footpath diversion in Whitehouse Parish to allow a school to be built

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 20/12/2018

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480771 238024, 480916 237887

Application Map

Reference Number: 10045/7

Parish Name: Calverton 

Path Number: 56

Type: Footpath

Description: Footpath diversion at Whitehouse Farm to correct a Definitive Map anomaly

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 11/08/2017

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 481088 237503, 481082 237516

Application Map

Reference Number: 10045/7

Parish Name: Calverton 

Path Number: 50

Type: Footpath

Description: Footpath diversion at Whitehouse 

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 11/5/2020

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 

Application Map 


Reference Number: 10008/06

Parish Name: Castlethorpe

Path Number: 008

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion in the area of Lodge Farm, Castlethorpe

Status: Order made, objections received

Date received: 31/08/2013

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480637/243815, 480706/243552

Application Map

Campbell Park

Reference Number: 10000/AB

Parish Name: Campbell Park

Path Number: 009

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for development at Newlands Marina

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 28/07/2017

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 486938 239652, 4869770 239352

Application Map

Reference Number: 100043/AB

Parish Name: Campbell Park

Path Number: 016

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion for development at Newlands Marina

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 28/07/2017

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487135 239495, 486977 239377

Application Map


Reference Number: 10009/10/RA/17

Parish Name: Chicheley

Path Number: 005 & 008

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion in the area of Grange Farm, Chicheley

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 26/04/2017

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: FP005: 4890861 246880, 890632 246721  /  FP008: 490767 247160  491213 47714

Application Map

Clifton Reynes

Reference Number: TS/10010/AB3/SK

Parish Name: Clifton Reynes

Path Number: 010

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion near Spring Lane

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 24/06/2006

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 490550 251235,  490577 251372

Application Map

Cold Brayfield

Reference Number: TS/10007/AB

Parish Name: Cold Brayfield

Path Number: 004

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion near Brayfield House

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 01/05/2008

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 492780 252152, 492653 252179

Application Map

Reference Number: 1014/AB

Parish Name: Cold Brayfield

Path Number: 002 & 003

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion to accommodate the building of a new bridge structure

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 09/02/2017

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 492624 251753, 492673 251856

Application Map


Reference Number: 10011/07

Parish Name: Emberton

Path Number: 018

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion at Petsoe Manor Farm

Status: Application withdrawn

Date received: 02/10/2013

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 491143 249477, 491913 249448

Application Map

Reference Number: 10009/10/RA/17

Parish Name: Emberton

Path Number: 015

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion in the area of Grange Farm, Chicheley"

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 26/04/2017

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: FP015: 491149 247730  891213 247714

Application Map


Reference Number: TS/10014/AB/JaP1/sk
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 059
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion for development
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 01/12/2007
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479973 246559, 479883 246606
Application Map

Reference Number: 10014/AB
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 010
Type: Bridleway
Description: Diversion near Spinney Lodge Farm
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 12/07/2008
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480532 248387, 480606 248733
Application Map

Reference Number: 10014/20/RB
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 046
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion at Pilgrims Cottage
Status: Application withdrawn  
Date received: 25/01/2012
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 482080 246820, 482137 246801
Application Map

Reference Number: 10014/21
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 050
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion at Littlewood Farm
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 02/06/2014
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 481882 248291, 481882 28296
Application Map

Reference Number: 10014/20
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 010
Type: Bridleway
Description: Diversion at Forest Farm
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 19/06/2014
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480500 249446, 480452 249558
Application Map

Reference Number: 10014/20
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 036
Type: Bridleway
Description: Diversion at Forest Farm
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 19/06/2014
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480584 249557, 480453 249571
Application Map

Reference Number: 10014/AB
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 038
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion for development off Long Street Road
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 18/10/2016
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479982 247432, 479996 247510
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0262P/18/RA
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 001
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion for development
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 12/01/2018
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479885 46974, 280041 46952
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0324P & ROW0328P/18/RA
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 060 & 064
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion for development
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 12/01/2018
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: FP60: 479850 246853 480065 26913 and FP64: 479988 26753 479909 247085
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0318P/18/JW
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 054
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion at Hales Folly Farm, Hanslope
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 29/08/2018
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479630 247415, 479547 247391
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0319P/18/RA
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 055
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion for land off Long Street Road, Hanslope to allow development to take place
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 17/09/2018
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479984 247398, 479637 247413
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0320P/18/RA
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 056
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion for land off Long Street Road, Hanslope to allow development to take place
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 17/09/2018
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479984 247398, 479731 247492
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0334P/18/RA
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 070
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion for land off Long Street Road, Hanslope to allow development to take place
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 17/09/2018
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479984 247398, 479791 247222
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0292P/18/RA
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 030
Type: Footpath
Description: Extinguishment at Glebe Lane
Status: Application received
Date received: 16/11/2018
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479467 248076, 479489 248092
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0318P/20/RA
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 54
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion to allow school to be built
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 12/12/2019
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479986 247051, 479941 24722
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0317P/20/JW
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 53
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion relating to development at the site of Malt Mill Farm, Hanslope
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 05/11/2020
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 479865 246248, 479702 246295
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0316P/21/JW
Parish Name: Hanslope
Path Number: 11 & 52  
Type: Footpath
Description: Diversion relating to development at the site of Malt Mill Farm, Hanslope
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 03/12/2020
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: FP 11: 479878 246603, 479762 246461      FP52: 479938 246473, 479780 246497
Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0483P/22/JW
Parish Name: Hanslope 
Path Number: 11
Type: Footpath
Status: Order made (objections received)
Date received: 
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way:

Application Map

Reference Number:  
Parish Name: Hanslope 
Path Number: 3
Type: Footpath 
Description: Diversion relating to Hanslope Park 
Status: Order confirmed
Date received: 
OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way:

Application Map 


Reference Number: TS/10018/09/BCC

Parish Name: Lavendon

Path Number: 014

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion near Lower Farm

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 18/03/2008

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 491214 254419, 491274 254402

Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0404P/19/JW

Parish Name: Lavendon

Path Number: 011

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for development off Olney Road, Lavendon

Status: Order Confirmed

Date received: 21/03/2019

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 491575 253373, 491570 253359

Application Map

Little Brickhill

Reference Number: ROW0424P/20/JW

Parish Name: Little Brickhill

Path Number: 16 & 17

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion relating to development at the site of Eaton Leys

Status:  Order confirmed

Date received: 24/08/2020

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: FP16:  489007 233274, 489234, 232868      FP17:489007 233274, 488913, 232995

Application Map

Milton Keynes Village

Reference Number: TS/10021/AB

Parish Name: Milton Keynes Village

Path Number: 015

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion for Oakgrove School Facilities       

Status: Order confirmed (Secretary of State)

Date received: 01/03/2011

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 488898 238522, 488810 238760

Application Map

Reference Number: 10021/AB/PPO

Parish Name: Milton Keynes Village

Path Number: 032

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for development at Oakgrove

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 26/11/2013

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487763 238858, 488364 238804

Application Map

Reference Number: 10021/AB/PPO

Parish Name: Milton Keynes Village (Oakgrove)

Path Number: 032

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for Development of Oakgrove     

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 28/08/2015

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487860 238841, 488074 238827

Application Map


Reference Number:  ROW0466P/22JW

Parish Name:  Moulsoe

Path Number: 2

Type: Footpath  

Description: Diversion relating to development at the MK East Project Site 

Status: Order Made 

Date received: 


Application Map

Reference Number:  ROW0478P/21/JW

Parish Name:  Moulsoe 

Path Number: 14

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion relating to development at the MK East Project Site 

Status: Order Made 

Date received: 


Application Map 

Reference Number:  ROW482P/22/JW

Parish Name: Moulsoe 

Path Number: 18

Type: Footpath 

Description: Diversion relating to development at the MK East Project Site 

Status: Order Made

Date received: 


Application Map 

Reference Number:  ROW0467P/22/JW

Parish Name: Moulsoe

Path Number: 3

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion relating to development at the MK East Project Site 

Status: Order Made 

Date received: 


Application Map

Reference Number:  ROW0483P/22/JW

Parish Name: Moulsoe 

Path Number: 19

Type: Bridleway 

Description: Diversion relating to development at the MK East Project Site 

Status: Order Made 

Date received: 


Application Made 

Newport Pagnell

Reference Number: 10025/12

Parish Name: Newport Pagnell

Path Number: 025

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion near St John Street           

Status: Order made

Date received: 25/02/2016

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487685/243857, 487670/243825

Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0508P/20/RA

Parish Name: Newport Pagnell

Path Number: 25

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion to allow Weatherspoons to be built

Status: Consultation phase

Date received: 20/12/2019

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487679 243871, 487670 243826

Application Map

Newton Blossomville

Reference Number: 1014/AB

Parish Name: Newton Blossomville

Path Number: 004

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion to accommodate the building of a new bridge structure

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 09/02/2017

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 492624 251753, 492673 251856

Application Map

North Crawley

Reference Number: TS/10026/AB

Parish Name: North Crawley

Path Number: 006A

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion at Crawley View

Status: Order made; objections received

Date received: 26/09/2003

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 492901 245385, 493064 245501

Application Map


Reference Number: TS/10010/AB4/SK

Parish Name: Olney

Path Number: 017

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion at Olney Park Farm

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 01/11/2010

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487467 253709, 487368 253708

Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0556P/19/RA

Parish Name: Olney

Path Number: 3

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for development off Lavendon Road, Olney

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 03/10/2019

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 489112 252155, 489152 252280

Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0558P/21/RA & 0559P/21/RA

Parish Name: Olney

Path Number: 5 & 6

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion relating to Hyde Farm, Olney

Status: Pre-order consultation

Date received: 31/03/2020

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 488699 253528, 488734 254023

Application Map


Reference Number: 10028/RB/AB

Parish Name: Ravenstone

Path Number: 004

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion near Addersey End

Status: Pre-order consultation

Date received: 22/04/2013

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 482999 250907, 483269 250907

Application Map

Reference Number: 10028/02

Parish Name: Ravenstone

Path Number: 004

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion at Parkfield Farm

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 01/09/2013

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 48103 251154, 483276 250924

Application Map


Shenley Brook End

Reference Number: TS/10029/1

Parish Name: Shenley Brook End

Path Number: 007

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion for development of Westcroft

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 08/08/2000

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 482648 245305, 481934 234419

Application Map

Shenley Church End

Reference Number: TS/100030/3/BJS

Parish Name: Shenley Church End

Path Number: 007

Type: Footpath

Description: Extinguishment (part) for a development at Dudley Hill

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 10/02/1999

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 48284 236809, 483166 236721

Application Map

Reference Number: DML/T/DC/20/G050

Parish Name: Shenley Church End

Path Number: 14

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion for the development of Grange Farm

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 30/07/2002

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 481692 237101, 481661, 237124

Application Map

Reference Number: ROW0588P/20/JW

Parish Name: Shenley Church End

Path Number: 13

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion relating to development at Western Expansion Area

Status: Pre-order consultation

Date received: 15/06/2020

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 481686 237485, 481566 237416

Application Map



Reference Number: TS/10032/AB

Parish Name: Stantonbury

Path Number: 005

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion as part of Oakridge Park Development

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 01/01/2008

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 484349 241930, 484241 241959

Application Map

Tyringham and Filgrave

Reference Number: TS/10023

Parish Name: Tyringham & Filgrave

Path Number: 007

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion at Rectory Farm

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 01/06/2009

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487902 24845, 487976 248506

Application Map

Reference Number: 10035/04

Parish Name: Tyringham & Filgrave

Path Number: 002

Type: Bridleway

Description: Diversion at Rectory Farm

Status: Order confirmed (Secretary of State)

Date received: 06/06/2012

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487877 248355, 487884, 248391

Application Map



Reference Number: TS/10021/06/AB

Parish Name: Warrington

Path Number: 005

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion at New Pastures Farm

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 05/01/2004

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 489015/255515 488988/255598

Application Map


Reference Number: TS/10032

Parish Name: Wavendon

Path Number: 001

Type: Footpath

Description: Extinguishment of a section for the Magna Part Development

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 07/12/2006

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 490924 238487  491289 238139

Application Map


Reference Number: 10042/06

Parish Name: Wolverton

Path Number: 099

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion near Wolverton Train Station

Status: Order made, objections received

Date received: 04/04/2005

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 482038 241338, 482059 241347

Application Map

Reference Number: TS/10042/AB

Parish Name: Wolverton ([part)

Path Number: 071 & 073

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion for development off Great Monks Street

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 01/11/2011

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 480265 240665 480546 241021

Application Map



Reference Number: 10044/04

Parish Name: Woughton

Path Number: 009

Type: Footpath

Description: Diversion in the area of the Green

Status: Order confirmed

Date received: 08/02/2013

OS Grid References of Altered Right of Way: 487516 237536 487553 237401

Application Map

Parks and Open Spaces

Parks and Open Spaces contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ