Statutory Consultation: Proposed no waiting restrictions and disabled persons’ parking places in Walnut Tree (TRO-330)

Statutory Consultation: Proposed no waiting restrictions and disabled persons’ parking places in Walnut Tree (TRO-330)

Start Date
End Date
Paul Harrison - Network TRO Manager


The general effect of the Order will be to introduce the following restrictions in Walnut Tree:

  • No waiting at any time restriction (double yellow lines) along parts of Bourton Low, Lichfield Down and Wadesmill Lane;
  • No waiting during the hours of 8.00 am and 9.00 am and 3.00 pm and 4.00 pm, Monday to Friday (single yellow line) along parts of Lichfield Down and Wadesmill Lane;
  • Parking for blue badge holders on part of Wadesmill Lane.

The above proposed restrictions come as a result of concerns over inconsiderate and obstructive parking outside Heronsgate and Heronshaw Schools and local residential properties and driveways, during School drop off and pick up times.

As the Highway Authority for the above lengths of road, Milton Keynes City Council is satisfied that the introduction of the above proposed restrictions will help to alleviate obstruction and encourage a safer environment for pedestrians and cyclists.

The Council will continue to monitor the way in which highway facilities are used and address any issues that come to its notice and following meaningful consultation with all stakeholders do what it considers necessary to facilitate the expeditious, convenient and safe movement of vehicular and pedestrian traffic.

You can view all the documents by clicking on the links below:

Notice of Proposal

Proposed Order

Statement of Reasons

Parking Proposals Drawing

Any objections to the above proposals, together with the grounds upon which they are made, must be made in writing and sent to the Council’s Traffic Regulation Order Team by email to quoting reference TRO-330.

The closing date for this consultation is 3 November 2022.

Please submit your comments before the closing date otherwise your comments may not be considered.

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