Rent and service charges

Rent and service charges

Start Date
End Date
Rent and service charges


We’re seeking your views on how we do that, specifically on:

A:   Spreading the rent collection weeks for tenants

B:   Reviewing services we provide and how we charge for these

C:   Changing the timeframe for charging leaseholders their service charges

We understand that there will be many different views and we want to listen to all of them. There are lots of ways you can have your say listed at the end of this page.

We also want to set up a working group of around 70 tenants and leaseholders who will be asked to help us make decisions about:

  • Your views on services we are currently providing to our residents
  • How service charges are determined and accounted for
  • When we should start to charge people
  • How to deliver high quality standards of service and provide good value for our tenants and leaseholders
  • How we move from fixed to variable service charges If you would like to join the working group or have any questions, please get in touch.

You can also find up to date information about each consultation on our housing consultations page. We will be adding new information and sharing observations over the coming months.

Next steps

If customers would like to join the working group or have any questions, there are four ways they can do that:

Text:             07860 098637

Form:           Housing Consultation online form


By post:

Housing Consultation, Milton Keynes Council Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

Final proposals will be presented to Director of Finance and Resources

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