Proposed federation of Heelands School and Summerfield School

Proposed federation of Heelands School and Summerfield School

Start Date
End Date


The proposal is to formally federate Heelands School and Summerfield School, starting in July 2023.  A federation is where the schools work closely together under one governing board, whilst retaining their own identity.

The governing boards of Heelands School and Summerfield School would like to invite you to respond to this consultation to gather opinions on the proposal to federate.

You can read the full proposal here.

Next steps

This consultation seeks views from parents, carers, staff and any other interested parties.  We are keen to hear as many views as possible about this proposal.

If you would like to have your say, there are three ways you can do that:

Form: Schools consultation online form


By post:

Education Sufficiency, Milton Keynes City Council, Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes, MK9 3EJ

The responses to the consultation will be considered by the governing boards of both schools before they make a decision on whether to proceed with the federation.

Consultation Result

Following the consultation, the Governing Boards of both schools unanimously agreed to proceed with the federation. The federation will be known as The Blue Sky Federation and the inaugural Federation Governing Board meeting will be held in September 2023.

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