Newport Pagnell Neighbourhood Plan Modifications publicity period

Newport Pagnell Neighbourhood Plan Modifications publicity period

Start Date
End Date


In February 2024, Newport Pagnell Town Council submitted Modifications to its Neighbourhood Plan to Milton Keynes City Council. The Modifications to the Plan are now being published in accordance with Regulation15 of the Neighbourhood Plans (General) Regulations 2012.

This is the final stage to make comments on the Modifications to the Plan. The Plan and its supporting documents are available to view at:

Any comments on the Plan at this stage (including those from members of the public and other organisations) will be passed to an independent person ('the Examiner') to consider when he or she is examining the Plan. 

The Examiner will consider whether the Modifications:

  • Meet the basic conditions, i.e. conforms with national planning policy and local strategic policies; would result in sustainable development and meets the requirements of European regulations for protecting the environment and for Human Rights.
  • Satisfy the legal requirements for neighbourhood plans.
  • Change the nature of the Plan.

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