Loughton Conservation Area Review - Consultation

Loughton Conservation Area Review - Consultation

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Loughton Parish Council has produced the document and carried out its own local consultation. Having reviewed the document Milton Keynes Council is now undertaking a wider, formal eight week consultation running between Wednesday 10th December 2014 and Wednesday 4th February 2015. It is anticipated that the document will be taken to the 9th March 2015 Cabinet for a decision.

The conservation area review describes the character and appearance of the area, defining its significance and why it warrants its designated status. In addition it proposes major amendments to the boundary of the existing conservation area. Importantly, the review also recommends that an Article 4 Direction is introduced, withdrawing permitted development rights (the right to undertake certain types of development without requiring planning permission) from residential properties within the revised conservation area.

Further information on the consultation is available at the Council’s conservation page:

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