Go Ultra Low charging hub for residential EV charging - Xscape

Go Ultra Low charging hub for residential EV charging - Xscape

Start Date
End Date


The purpose of this hub is to provide the ability for residents without off-street parking to be able to own an electric vehicle and have the ability to charge within walking distance of their homes.

Next steps

Xscape, MK9 3XS has been proposed for this trial for the following reasons:

  • Proximity to residential areas
  • Availability of parking spaces
  • Availability of power close to car park

The attached plan shows the scale of the proposal with parking bays being managed throughout the trial using a vehicle permit system.

Please could you consider the proposal and provide feedback (both positive and negative) on:

  1. The choice of location
  2. Number of charging points

 This feedback will help us make informed decisions going forward.

All feedback to the proposal, together with the reasoning for the feedback can be sent by clicking on the contact email address. 

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