Draft MK Council Tenancy Agreement

Draft MK Council Tenancy Agreement

Start Date
End Date


To vary the secure tenancy conditions, the council is required by the 1985 Housing Act to consult all tenants on the proposed changes, consider all the responses received, and issue a notice of variation to formally implement the new terms.

The draft new agreement will address a number of issues, including:

  • Restrict rights of succession to reflect the current law, which will reduce the number of successions and increase the availability of housing
  • Review wording to ensure clear communication and plain English
  • Strengthen provisions on domestic abuse to prepare MKC to enable it to seek Domestic Abuse Housing Accreditation in the future
  • Ensure provisions for recharging enable MKC to recover costs effectively
  • Implement “any day” tenancy starts and terminations –  reducing risk of income loss through switching to Universal Credit
  • Digitise the agreement and process which will speed up sign ups and enable a paperless approach

Strengthen the rules in several areas including:

  • Fire safety  
  • Anti-social behaviour
  • Recharging for tenant damage
  • Enabling access for repairs and gas safety checks
  • Keeping communal areas safe, clean and clear


Please let us know your thoughts on the proposed changes by clicking on the link below.


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