Consultation on Westcroft Reserve Site 3

Consultation on Westcroft Reserve Site 3

Start Date
End Date


To advise and inform stakeholders and to encourage feedback.

Further details

The site is located within 0.5km of Westcroft District Centre and 5km from Central Milton Keynes. The entire site is within the ownership of MKDP.

The purpose of the consultation is to inform the public and stakeholders of the possible planning and design guidance for this area. Any future development will need to follow this guidance.

This Brief will assist the development process by allowing developers to submit informed proposals that respond to the landowner MKDP, Council and other local stakeholders’ aspirations and expectations for the site.

This consultation process seeks to gather feedback and provide all stakeholders with the opportunity to tell us their own aspirations for this site.

Once approved by Milton Keynes Council Cabinet, the guidance contained within the Brief will be a material consideration in helping determine planning applications for the site concerned.

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