Consultation on a proposal to expand Hanslope Primary School

Consultation on a proposal to expand Hanslope Primary School

Start Date
End Date


This consultation will end on 12 May 2019 and seeks views from those directly involved with Hanslope Primary School to determine whether the council should progress to the next stage to publish a statutory notice and propose the expansion of the school. 

Please read the linked document on this page and send us your views on this proposal by emailing  It would be helpful if you could tell us if you are a parent/carer, a local resident or a member of staff at another local school.

Feedback from this consultation will be considered by the Cabinet Member for Children and Families in June 2019.  If the decision is taken to proceed to the next stage, a relevant statutory notice would be published in June 2019 and would provide a 4 week period for people to make representations, as is prescribed by law. Subject to these statutory processes, the final decision could take place in September 2019, to enable the school to expand in September 2021.

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