Bletchley and Fenny Stratford, Stantonbury and Wavendon Community Governance Review

Bletchley and Fenny Stratford, Stantonbury and Wavendon Community Governance Review

Start Date
End Date


Milton Keynes Council has agreed to undertake a Community Governance Review (CGR) encompassing the following Parish and Town Council areas:

  1. Bletchley and Fenny Stratford
  2. Stantonbury
  3. Wavendon

A CGR is a way for local authorities to make sure that at parish level, governance arrangements are working as efficiently and effectively as they should be. This is achieved by asking the public, local councils, and any interested parties whether they feel their communities are suitably represented and whether parishes would like to see any changes made to their current governance arrangements.

A CGR can be a review of the whole, or part of the borough. This review will focus on the parish areas of Bletchley and Fenny Stratford, Stantonbury and Wavendon because the council received requests to review electoral arrangements for those parish areas specifically.

Before making any recommendations or publishing final proposals, the council will take full account of the views of the local people and will comply with the statutory consultative requirements.

Next steps

The council has now published its initial draft recommendations and the CGR consultation will run for twelve weeks beginning Monday 25 October 2021 and finishing 5pm on Monday 17 January 2022. We are inviting members of the public, parish and town councils, ward and parish councillors and other interested stakeholders to respond to the consultation.

You can do this quickly by filling in our short online survey.

You can also respond to the consultation using the contact details below:

  • By email:
  • By post: 

    Community Governance Review

    Electoral Services

    Milton Keynes Council

    Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East

    Milton Keynes

    MK9 3EJ

Final proposals will be presented to Full Council for approval in February 2022. Any electoral changes can be made via special elections in May 2022, for those parishes where changes are subsequently agreed.


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