Three and four year old early education (30 hours extended entitlement)

A short film about 30 hours free childcare

The Department for Education spoke to parents in Wigan who have taken up a 30 hours place for their child as part of the early implementer programme, listen to how the additional hours have benefitted them.

30 hours free childcare case studies

The Department for Education (DfE) is launching a campaign to promote and raise awareness of the benefits that using 30 hours free childcare can have for working families. Watch the video to learn how these families have benefited from 30 hours.

The DFE has also produced a helpful 'How-to' animation to support families applying for 30 hours free childcare.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q.  I have a four year old son can I get money in addition to the free 15 hours early education to help with his childcare costs?

A.  You may be eligible for up to 30 hours free early education if you meet certain criteria (please see detail below)

Q.  Can I get any extra help with childcare costs?

A.  You could be eligible for tax credits, tax free childcare or universal credits (please see detail below)

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Find local early years providers

A list of local Early Years providers can be found on the Ofsted website.

The Local Offer provides information, support and signposting for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from birth to 25 years, their parents and carers, practitioners and professionals.

Am I eligible?

Eligibility is based on the following:

  • You, and any partner, will need to expect to earn the equivalent of 16 hours per week at the national minimum wage rate 
  • If you, or your partner, are on maternity, paternity or adoption leave, or you're unable to work because you are disabled or have caring responsibilities, you could still be eligible
  • You can earn up to £100,000 adjusted net income and be eligible.  If you or your partner have an expected adjusted net income over £100,000, you will not be eligible

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How do I apply?

  • Visit HM Government Childcare Choices website for 11 digit code to take to participating childcare providers
  • Parents need to revalidate eligibility every 3 months

The code must be validated the term before the child takes up the place, failure to do this will result in the sessions not being funded. Parents need to receive the code by:

  • 31 August - to access funding from September to December
  • 31 December - to access funding from January to March
  • 31 March - to access funding from April to August

What happens if my circumstances changes?

You will need to revalidate eligibility every 3 months by HMRC. You must log into your HMRC account and renew your eligibility code to enable you to continue to access your extended entitlement.

If you lose eligibility for the extended entitlement:

  • Funding will continue for a 'grace period' – this means you are able to keep your childcare for a short period.
  • Once the 'grace period' has lapsed, you will only be entitled to the universal 15 hour entitlement.

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When can my child start?

Funding is available from the term after your child’s third birthday, see the table below:

  • 1 January – 31 March - start summer term on or after 1 April.
  • 1 April – 31 August - start autumn term on or after 1 September.
  • 1 September – 31 December - start spring term on or after the 1 January.

Need further assistance?

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HM government offer additional help with childcare costs for parents

Tax Free Childcare

  • Tax-Free Childcare is a UK wide offer. Eligible working parents with children 11 or under can get up to £2,000 per child, per year, towards their childcare costs (or up to £4,000 for disabled children 16 or under)

Tax Credits for Childcare

Universal Credit for Childcare

  • For working families (with children under 16) claiming Universal Credit, in England, Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales
  • 85% of eligible childcare costs, up to a cap

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Useful links and documents

For further information about how to become a funded provider contact Milton Keynes Council at