Making Connections, is a programme designed by Milton Keynes Virtual School to increase understanding and use of attachment aware and trauma responsive practice in Milton Keynes schools. Participating settings are provided with a quality framework tool and research-backed training as well as individual school focussed support from Educational Psychologists and the Virtual School and peer support through a professionals network.
The programme aims to equip and empower schools to improve the educational experience and progress of all children living with and through adversity including looked after and previously looked after children and children with a social worker.
Making Connections – 4 pillars of support
- ARC audit and development planning tool
- Training programme
- Dedicated education psychology support
- Peer network
From April 2024 to March 2025 Making Connections operated as a pilot project, in 19 Milton Keynes City settings.
Here’s what they had to say about it:
"This course is fundamental to understanding what practice needs to look like moving forward. A trauma-informed approach needs to be adopted by all to be able to have life-long, positive impact on all (not just those who have experienced trauma). This is the change schools need to really better children's futures."
"This has been an extremely helpful process/project. It has supported in identifying training needs, receiving training, goal setting and all-round professional guidance in our steps to become a trauma-informed practice school. It has really supported in keeping us focused and moving forward with this goal as part of our school improvement plan and I would thoroughly recommend it."
"I am so glad that we were given the opportunity to take part and that we chose to say yes. This is a fantastic project and it should be replicated across the country. Being trauma and attachment aware in everything you do at school will help all students, not just those who are negatively impacted by trauma and attachment issues themselves but also all of their fellow students who share the classroom and school space with them."
"Wonderful group of people to share with and work collaboratively. Empowerment at its best!"
There's more detailed information in the Making Connections brochure. For an accessible version please contact us.
There’s more about the ARC audit and ARC matrix tool, and the benefits of the ARC membership, which is one of the four pillars of support provided by Making Connections, in ARC’s digital brochure.
Milton Keynes schools and other education settings wishing to express an interest in joining the Making Connections programme, should complete the Expression of Interest form by Monday 31st March at 5pm.
You can also hear more about the experiences of two schools who have already integrated attachment and trauma informed practice into their school’s day-to-day operations and policies, Goodyers End Primary School in Warwickshire and Gillingham School (secondary) in Dorset, in this Rees Centre webinar. You may also be interested in the experiences of Spen Valley High School in West Yorkshire and Whitefield Primary School in Liverpool.
Other related links
ARC – The Attachment Research Community
The Trauma Council – Childhood Trauma and the Brain
Alex Timpson Attachment and Trauma Awareness in Schools Programme
For more information on the Making Connections programme please email