Useful early years information

Support, advice and guidance for schools and educational settings

Early Years Essential Newsletter 

The Early Years Essential Newsletter contains useful Early Years local news and updates:

Early Years support for improving practice and provision

Early Years providers who become less than Good at their most recent Ofsted inspection

Providers (settings and childminders) who receive an Inadequate or Requires Improvement Ofsted inspection outcome need to contact MKCC as there are implications for their Early Education Funding (EEF). Funding may be removed until at least a Good Ofsted outcome grade is received. Providers agree to be EYFS compliant in order to receive EEF each year through signing the agreement in Early Years Provider Guidance:

EY Provider Guidance April 2024

EY Provider Guidance April 2024 accessible version

Less than Good providers (rated at their most recent inspection) will be invited to attend an action planning meeting or phone call with the Improvement Partner for Early Years (IPEY), to discuss how they are making improvements to return to at least a Good Ofsted judgement.

Providers who become less than Good are encouraged to make swift contact the IPEY so action planning can be arranged. Limited support may be available, and each case will be considered on an individual basis.

Providers who become less than Good should contact:

Find local early years providers

A list of local Early Years providers can be found on the Ofsted website.


A consultation on improving the way Ofsted inspects education is open until 28 April 2025.

The Prevent duty and Radicalisation

The purpose of the Prevent duty is to safeguard people from becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. 

Internet Matters is a useful website for parents with children of all ages.  There is a specific section for 0-5 year olds with tips and advice, which includes information on:

  • Parental controls
  • Screen time 
  • Parent guides and resources
  • Age specific apps
  • Activities to do with your child
  • Using devices in safe spaces i.e. downstairs rather than bedrooms

A range of online books featuring Digiduck are available to support young children to understand the dangers of the internet and Foundation Years have also published a vodcast on internet safety for young children. 

If you are concerned about someone, you can contact the national police Prevent advice line on: 0800 011 3764 or talk to their GP, school or local authority.

Useful websites

Hungry Little Minds

  • A government initiative to encourage parents to use every day situations and activities to encourage children to chat play and read.

Eat Better Start Better

Study of Early Education and Development (SEED)

Early Education Endowment Foundation

BBC Tiny Happy People

Subscription to Early Years Essential (EYE) newsletter

This is published regularly throughout the year. It contains useful information for Milton Keynes settings, schools and childminders.

To subscribe please email

Disclaimer: Milton Keynes City Council accepts no responsibility for the actual content of any materials suggested as information sources in this publication, whether these are in the form of printed publications or on a website. Their use should not be interpreted as an endorsement of particular companies or their products. 

The websites referred to in these materials existed at the time of going to print. Please check all website references carefully to see if they have changed and substitute other references where appropriate. Also, check all signposted training (whether MKCC or independent) meets the needs of your setting.