Early years training
Milton Keynes Professional Development Portal (MKPDP)
MKPDP training
MKPDP offer a variety of training courses to support providers to be Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Safeguarding and Welfare Requirement compliant:-
Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) - Providers must have a nominated DSL who will be the point of contact for safeguarding issues. This training is for new DSL’s and DSL refresher courses. Training to be renewed every two years.
Safeguarding Everybody’s Business - All childcare workers must have training in relation to safeguarding. This training is suitable for all staff working with children. Training to be renewed every 3 years.
Safeguarding training - Single Agency - Safeguarding training for school staff. Training to be renewed every three years.
Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) Multi-agency - FGM reporting is mandatory. This course supports all staff to understand the policies and procedures.
Safer recruitment for those working with children - Safer recruitment is paramount. This course is for those who will be recruiting staff, Governors, senior leaders, school staff
Book training at MKPDP
Other training
The Prevent Duty 2023
For all professionals working with children.
This supports all Early Years staff and childminders to understand how this relates to children in their care. Early Years providers and childminders must adhere to the Government document relating to The Prevent Duty; preventing people being drawn into terrorism and how to protect children from risk of radicalisation.
Prevent Duty free online training.
Early years child development training
This free online training from the Department for Education (DfE) provides an overview of child development and offers practical advice for supporting children in your setting, including reception years.
Learn more about this training
MK Together
MK Together provide valuable information relating to safeguarding.
Open University
Offer a wide range of free courses to support professional development in the Early Years sector.
The Communication Trust – Speech, Language and Communication Framework (SLCF)
Provide different levels of training to support providers to promote speech and language development within the setting.
Disclaimer: Milton Keynes City Council accepts no responsibility for the actual content of any materials suggested as information sources in this publication, whether these are in the form of printed publications or on a website. Their use should not be interpreted as an endorsement of particular companies or their products.
The websites referred to in these materials existed at the time of going to print. Please check all website references carefully to see if they have changed and substitute other references where appropriate. Also, check all signposted training (whether MKCC or independent) meets the needs of your setting.