Resources relating to the reformed early years foundation stage (EYFS)
We have compiled a suite of useful information and resources to help you implement the new EYFS which comes in effect from September:
EYFS documentation
Statutory guidance
- The EYFS from November 2024
- The Two Year Progress Check – A two year old check to be completed for children aged between two and three years of age is required in the EYFS (statutory assessment to be done by provider). Further information is available on EYFS assessment.
- The Education Inspection Framework sets out how Ofsted inspects schools, registered Early Years settings and childminders in England
- The Early Years Inspection Handbook sets out how Ofsted will inspect registered Early Years settings and childminders
- The School Inspection Handbook sets out how Ofsted will inspect schools
- Working Together to Safeguard Children has essential information as to how to safeguard children in Early Years settings
- Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2024 guidance is to ensure everyone understands their duty in regard to safeguarding and keeping children safe
- Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) handbook sets out information for completing the EYFSP at the end of reception. There is a communications page which provides teachers with support to complete the EYFS Profile, focusing on topics including, completing the EYFSP for children who remain in EYFS provision beyond age five and a vodcast for schools. Guidance is available regarding completion of the EYFS Profile Return for local authorities and schools submitting EYFSP data for 2025.
Non-statutory guidance
- Revised Development Matters document which is available to download
- Development Matters website for additional information
- Birth to 5 Matters website has information on the Birth to Five Matters document which providers may find useful which may be useful for continued professional development
- The Prevent Duty (preventing people being drawn into terrorism and how to protect children from risk of radicalisation). The Prevent Duty document supports providers to understand how it relates to their practice and children in their care
- What to expect in the Early Years Foundation Stage: a guide for parents A guide for parents to understand ages and stages of their children’s development
- A Celebratory Approach to Working with Children with SEND – Giving additional support in the Early Years To help practitioners who may be supporting children who require additional help or children with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
- Early Years Foundation Stage profile exemplification materials
Vodcasts and Webinars
- Vodcast for Early Years Settings & Childminders on the changes to the EYFS from September 2025
- Vodcast for Early Years Settings & Childminders on the changes to the EYFS from January 2024
- Vodcast on the EYFS changes from September 2023
- Vodcast for Early Years Settings & Childminders on the changes to the EYFS from September 2021
- Vodcast for Headteachers and Senior Leadership on the changes to the EYFS from September 2021
- Vodcast for Revised Development Matters on the changes to the Development Matters document
- Vodcast for schools and multi-academy trusts around the changes to Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) for children at the end of the reception year
- Vodcast on Ofsted Inspections and new EYFS
- Vodcast on the Two Year Progress check
- Vodcast on Outdoor Learning
- Vodcast on Mental Health and Wellbeing
- Vodcast for Senior Leaders on assessment and good practice under the EYFS
- Vodcast on Online Safety
- Vodcast on tips to improve the Home Learning Environment
- Vodcast on Implementing Evidence Informed Practice in the Early Years
- Vodcast on Transitions
- Vodcast on children's dental health
- Vodcast and information on safer sleeping practices for babies
- Early Years Curriculum - five Ofsted webinars which focus on: the importance of communication and language, a curriculum for communication and language, making progress through knowing and remembering more and how Ofsted look at communication and language at inspection (separate webinar for settings and schools)
- Vodcast on the Early Years Foundation Stage Profile (EYFSP) 2024
- Putting the EYFS Curriculum into Practice: Julian Grenier's 2023 keynote at Newham's EY Conference (
Additional resources
- Resources to support EYFS on website - including information and activities to support the 7 learning areas and additional guidance on:
- Curriculum planning
- Reducing paperwork
- Oral health
- Working in partnership with parents and carers
- English as an additional language (EAL)
- Food safety
- Internet Safety
- Sensory Food Education
- Nutrition
- Integrated Reviews
- Early Years Practitioner Wellbeing Support
- Mental Health for Early Years Children
- Toilet training
- Book – Working with the revised Early Years Foundation Stage: Principles into Practice – (Development Matters revisions lead). Available to download at on the Development Matters website.
- Blog – Julian Grenier author of The Secret Garden
- Videos – Pen Green Centre for Children, Families/Research, Development and Training Base approaches to managing change, assessment and communication, language and literacy
- Department for Education (DfE) Early Years Child Development Training. The training is free for childminders and nurseries and combines theory with practical tips and ideas to use in your setting including opportunities to reflect on your practice. There are links to additional resources and offers the opportunity to download certificates upon completion of modules
- The Department for Education (DfE) has updated a blog on measles for parents, nurseries and schools. The blog also contains a link to a recent DfE webinar on measles.
Additional non-statutory guidance
Eat Better Start Better
- Guidance on providing a balanced diet for children in your care.
Study of Early Education and Development (SEED)
The home learning environment
- Information on the importance of the home learning environment.
What to do if you're worried a child is being abused
This non-statutory guidance if you’re worried a child is being abused is aimed at anyone whose work brings them into contact with children and families, including those who work in early years.
Useful websites
Foundation Years
- Provide information and support for those working in the early years sector.
- Regulatory authority that inspect early years settings and schools.
The Communication Trust
- Provide support and information on speech, language and communication for early years children.
Disclaimer: Milton Keynes City Council accepts no responsibility for the actual content of any materials suggested as information sources in this publication, whether these are in the form of printed publications or on a website. Their use should not be interpreted as an endorsement of particular companies or their products.
The websites referred to in these materials existed at the time of going to print. Please check all website references carefully to see if they have changed and substitute other references where appropriate. Also, check all signposted training (whether MKCC or independent) meets the needs of your setting.