Genealogical research

A number of our cemeteries are over 100 years old and our registers provide an important source of local information. Our cemetery registers are available for research during office hours by appointment.

Please note that searches are most effective if you have the correct date of death - without it, the search can take much longer and a small fee is payable.

Family research services

Milton Keynes Library run a family history service which has lots more information about genealogy.  

You might also like to visit the National Archives, based in Kew, which has census records, family, local and military history.  

Other records and certificates are held by The General Register Office, who have produced a guide on how to use its services.

General Register Office Address Certificate Services Section

General Register Office

PO Box 2



Certificate Information line: 0845 603 7788

For a small fee, you can also order your ancestors' birth, death, marriage and adoption certificate's online (from 1837 onwards).

The BBC also has a comprehensive and informative website on family and regional history

Crownhill Crematorium and Cemetery Team

Crownhill Crematorium and Cemetery Team contact information

Crownhill Crematorium and Cemetery Office, Dansteed Way, Crownhill, Milton Keynes MK8 0AH