Stronger Together Board

The Stronger Together Board was set up in 2024 to give people more say over how adult social care services are delivered. 

Each month, board members made up of people who use our services and adult social care staff, get together at Civic to discuss ways to improve existing services and shape new ones. Meetings are chaired alternately by the Director of Adult Services (DASS) and an elected Co-Chair, to ensure everyone has a voice. 

Topics range from making the assessment and review process more accessible, to ensuring services like care homes and supported living placements deliver on clients' expectations. Action points are then shared with MKCC staff and associated services so effective change can be made.


photo of Co-Chairs Victoria Collins (DASS) and Andra Roach

Current Board Members

Victoria Collins Director of Adult Services (Chair)
Andra Roach  Person with Lived Experience (Co Chair)
Jessica Fussell Person with Lived Experience 
Hannah Parker  Person with Lived Experience 
Gillian George  Person with Lived Experience 
Sally Howe Person with Lived Experience 
Kieran Bennetts Person with Lived Experience 
Patricia Lawrence Person with Lived Experience 
Sharon Douglas Person with Lived Experience 
Sidney Amaah Person with Lived Experience 
Sara Roberts Person with Lived Experience 
Maria Frias Person with Lived Experience 
Luke Scotcher Person with Lived Experience 
Linda MacDonnell Social Care Professional (MKCC)  
Poppy Tomalin  Social Care Professional (MKCC)
Hannah Kara Social Care Professional (MKCC) 

There are lots of ways to get involved if you are interested in helping shape our services.  You can find more information on our involvement network page.   


A few words from the Co-Chairs

Stronger Together Co-Chairs, Victoria Collins (Director of Adult Services) and Andra Roach

"I joined the Co-Production Board now that they (my sons) are in adulthood, needing support. It reflects my commitment to promoting community development. Pairing experienced Adult Services staff with people who use services who have diverse lived experiences, is a way to bring different perspectives, fresh insight and new solutions to the table."  Andra Roach 

"I have worked in adult social care for the past 30 years and in my current role as Director for Adult Services, I see co-production as central to the successful development and delivery of services. The Stronger Together Board is made up of people who use services. The different perspectives from the Board mean that a wide range of views can be heard. This in turn helps us develop services that deliver better outcomes for people. Having a co-chair to support me on the Stronger Together Board has been a really positive experience as we continue to develop our work together."  Victoria Collins 


Several priorities have been identified and set by the board. These have been grouped into categories of:   

  • Direct Payments 
  • Carers  
  • Supported Living 
  • Mental Health  

Each category is overseen by a subgroup chaired by a person with lived experience and a social care professional. Recommendations made by each subgroup are put forward to the board for discussion and agreement to take forward. 

Adult Services Feedback

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