MK Sensory Service
Milton Keynes Sensory Services supports adults with a sensory loss living in Milton Keynes. They can share information, advice and guidance on hearing, sight, and dual sensory loss and offer a range of support services from their centre in MK.
Specialist Assessments -
To help people with a sensory loss to access: Information, advice and guidance on hearing, sight, and dual sensory loss. Rehabilitation, orientation, and mobility training.
Hearing Aid Support -
Provide support with hearing aids if you live or are registered with a GP in Milton Keynes. Support includes spare tubing and training sessions on how to maintain and retube your hearing aid and advice on making the most of them.
They support people whose first language is BSL to access: Advice, information and signposting to other services Translating letters and bills etc Support to access services e.g. GP & utility providers.
Specialist Equipment Provision -
The services experienced staff can help people with sensory loss to access specialist equipment such as electronic magnifiers, vibrating smoke alarm systems and TV loop systems. Some items are free where eligibility criteria are met. They also offer appointments where you can visit their office to try out equipment and find out where you can buy them.
Eye Clinic Liaison Service -
Our Eye Clinic Liaison Officer (ECLO) is based within the Eye Clinic at Milton Keynes University Hospital on Wednesday and Friday mornings. If you would like to speak to the ECLO outside of these times, please contact us.
The service operating hours are Monday to Thursday from 9:00am to 5:00pm and Friday from 9:00am to 4:30pm.