Connection Support Milton Keynes

Connection Support Milton Keynes

Connection Support works alongside you to help you to deal with the challenges that life throws at you.

Housing Issues

Connection Support  Housing Support Service works with people over 16 who are having problems where they are currently living which undermine their ability to live independently. You may be at risk of being evicted, having problems with money, mental and physical health, drug and/or alcohol dependency or other issues. We can support you to take control of your situation so that you can continue to live independently.

Money Issues 

Connection Support Comic Relief funded project Money Management Service supports those who need help to get on top of their debts and manage their finances.

Mental Health

If you have mental health problems and are experiencing difficulties around your housing Connection Support  Housing Support Service could help you.

For more information or to discuss any of our projects or services in Milton Keynes, please call: 01908 363492/3 or use the contact form
