Starting primary or junior/middle school in September 2024

National offer day is 16 April 2024.  If you made an online application for a school place for September 2024, parents and carers will be able to log on to the Citizen Portal to view their child's primary/junior school allocation.  If you completed a paper application form, you will receive a letter.

You can log on to the Citizen Portal here to see your child's school place offer.

You can view the allocation profile here for starting school for the first time and the junior school allocation profile here.  This gives information about how places were allocated and schools that may have vacancies for September 2024. 

IMPORTANT:  Parents do not need to contact the city council or take any action if they are satisfied with the school place.  The school you have been allocated is now responsible for sending joining instructions to parents.

For parents whose applications are late, submitted between 15 January 2024 and 23 April 2024, school place offers will be sent on 31 May 2024 by letter.

Please note, if your child has been allocated a place at Brooklands Farm Primary School or Oxley Park Academy, you will receive a separate letter informing you which campus has been allocated.  Please do not contact the city council to find out about campus allocations.

Brooklands Farm Primary School

Brooklands Farm Primary School is one school with two campuses: Fen Street and Countess Way. The school serves the settlements of Brooklands and Broughton Gate.

The campus allocation policy outlines how children are allocated to each campus and explains the process for parents to request a transfer to the alternative campus.

If for any reason, you are unhappy with the campus allocated and would like to request a different campus, a transfer request can be made.  You will need to complete a campus transfer request form and return it by email to  The deadline for submitting the transfer request form to the council is Friday 7 June 2024.

Your request will be reviewed by the Campus Transfer Review Panel on 13 June 2024. The council will write to parents with the result of the transfer request within five working days of the date of the Panel meeting.  The decision of the Panel is final and there is no further right of appeal.

If you no longer need the school place you have been offered

If you have made other arrangements for your child’s schooling, or have a change of family circumstances such as moving away, please email with your child’s name, date of birth, home address and details of the school your child will be attending. We are obliged to keep records of where children live and which school they attend.

If you have not been offered a higher preference school

If the school you are offered is not one of your higher preferences, your child's name will automatically be added to the waiting list and you do not need to contact us. You can also request an appeal. If you do request an appeal, you are advised not to decline the place you have been offered in case an appeal or waiting list is not successful. The following information applies to Milton Keynes schools only.

Waiting lists

Waiting lists are ordered in line with the oversubscription criteria of each school and not by date received, so a child’s position on a list can move up or down. Waiting list position information will become available after 31 May 2024. For all Milton Keynes community and voluntary controlled schools waiting lists will be held for the academic year.  All other types of schools, including academies, voluntary aided and foundation schools, must hold their waiting lists until 31 December 2024.  After this date parents should check with the individual school to see whether the waiting list will continue to be held. 

Some waiting list offers may be made in the later application rounds. If you are happy with the school place offered on national offer day and no longer want to be considered for a higher preference school, you must let us know at

If you do not let us know, a waiting list offer may be made automatically.

Further information about waiting lists can be found here.


To appeal against not receiving a higher preference school please read all the information here.

If you applied for a school in Buckinghamshire, Bedfordshire or Northamptonshire and have not been offered your choice

You need to contact the relevant local authority to enquire about waiting lists and appeals:

Bedford Borough Council:

Central Bedfordshire Council:



Applying after the closing date

Applications can be made on the late application form for starting school or the late application for moving up to junior school. Completed applications must be returned by email to

When choosing your four school preferences we advise you to look on the allocation profile here for primary schools and the allocation profile here for junior schools to see which schools are oversubscribed.   

If you applied late the offer days are:

Late application received between Notification date
16 January 2024 and 23 April 2024 31 May 2024
24 April 2024 and 2 June 2024   28 June 2024
3 June 2024 and 30 June 2024 17 July 2024

Applications received thereafter will receive an outcome by 31 August 2024.         

Before applying

  • Read the guide for parents and carers to find further information about the application process
  • You are advised to use all four preferences
  • Ensure all information has been completed correctly and no information missed.  Any mistakes could affect your application
  • You are advised to choose your catchment school as one of your preferences, should higher preferences not be available
  • Ensure your school preferences include a school(s) that your child is most likely to meet the admission criteria
  • If you are moving house during the application process, refer to the Applying for a school place whilst moving home section of the parents guide
  • If your preference is to attend a school outside of Milton Keynes, you are still required to apply via Milton Keynes City Council

Information relating to attending schools

School Transport Support

Parents and carers are responsible for ensuring their children attend school regularly and for arranging their safe arrival at school and journey home at the end of the day.  See if your child is eligible for assistance in getting to and from school and how to apply.

Free school meals

Parents and carers who receive certain benefits may be eligible for either pupil premium funding or free school meals.  Enquiries about free school meals should be made direct to individual schools.

Children with Special Educational Needs (SEN)

If you have any queries about your child’s special needs or wish to request a leaflet explaining the transfer process, please contact the SEN casework team. 












Education Access Team (Primary Schools)

Education Access Team contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Central Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ