Report it: planning enforcement

Before proceeding to the Planning Enforcement Report it Form, please read the guidance below. 

The Planning Enforcement team is responsible for investigating unauthorised development and breaches of planning control in Milton Keynes. 

What is a breach of planning control?

A breach of planning control is defined as: 

  • the carrying out of development without the required permission or exemptions (e.g. house extensions above a certain size, construction of garden fences above a specified height, material changes of use, display of certain adverts, or certain works to listed buildings or protected trees); or  
  • failing to comply with any condition or limitation subject to which permission or consent has been granted. 

Permission can be expressly granted by the Council, following an application being made, or under permitted development rights or deemed consent provisions for adverts. 

What is not a breach of planning control?

Certain works and uses can be carried out without being an act of development. These include, but are not limited to, the following: 

  • interior alterations (except retail mezzanine floors of more than 200 square metres); 
  • building operations which do not materially affect the external appearance of a building; 
  • a change in the use of land or buildings where the before and after use falls within the same use class

Furthermore, development being carried out in accordance with an express grant of permission, listed on our online portal, or under permitted development rights is not a breach of planning control. 

What we can investigate

We investigate breaches of planning control that are brought to our attention by completing the online enforcement form below. We cannot investigate anticipated breaches. 

Investigations are carried out in line with our Local Enforcement Plan. We can only investigate when a breach has occurred (rather than before it has happened). 

Examples of breaches that will be investigated are: 

Matters investigated by others

Where activities do not constitute a breach of planning control, it may be possible for other Council teams or external organisations to investigate: 

Disputes over property boundaries, land ownership or covenants are private matters. The Council cannot assist you with these queries. You should seek your own legal advice or speak with the Citizens Advice Bureau

Similarly, matters relating to shared boundaries, or ‘party walls’, should be addressed under the provisions of the Party Wall Act

Report a breach of planning control

Having had regard to the above advice and satisfied yourself that the matter concerns a breach of planning control, please complete the reporting form using the link below. 

Please note that we may pass your details to other Council departments or other external partner organisations in order to carry out our investigation, or where they are better suited to investigating your complaint. We will only share the information to enable us to deal with this matter. Please refer to our privacy policy and the corporate privacy notice for further details on how we use your personal data. 

Please note: When completing the form, your enquiry will be reported as ‘closed’ immediately after submission as the information is passed to the Planning Enforcement system. You will receive separate correspondence within the next two working days advising you of the enforcement reference number and officer.

Report a breach of planning control

The planning enforcement register

The planning enforcement register is held by the Council, in its capacity as the local planning authority, at the Civic offices. Please make a search under Land Charges provisions to establish whether an enforcement notice applies to the property or land concerned, or contact planning services if you require information relating to it. 

Planning enquiries contact information

Civic, 1 Saxon Gate East, Milton Keynes MK9 3EJ