Olney Neighbourhood Plan

Current position

The Olney Neighbourhood Plan was made part of the development plan by Milton Keynes Council on 19 July 2017. The Full Council report relating to this is available to view at Cabinet 11 January 2017. The Decision Statement is available to view at: Olney Neighbourhood Plan Decision Statement.

This follows the referendum held on 6 July 2017, the result of which was 50.6% of those voting being in favour of the neighbourhood plan being used by Milton Keynes Council to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area. The turnout for the referendum was 38.3%. 

The plan and other specified documents that were subject to referendum are available to download on this webpage as follows:

Referendum Information

June 2017

A referendum relating to the adoption of the Olney neighbourhood plan was held on Thursday 6 July 2017.

The question asked at the referendum was: 

 “'Do you want Milton Keynes Council to use the neighbourhood plan for Olney to help it decide planning applications in the neighbourhood area?

The referendum area is identified on the map within the information statement which is available in the ‘May 2017’ update section below. This is the same as the designated neighbourhood plan area for Olney. 

Referendum Expenses

The referendum expenses limit that applied to this referendum was £2664.67.

The number of persons who were entitled to vote in the referendum by reference to which that limit was set was 5130 for the residential referendum. The referendum was conducted in accordance with procedures which are similar to those used at local government elections.

May 2017

Milton Keynes Council (MKC) has received the examiner’s report on the Olney neighbourhood plan, submitted to MKC by Olney Town Council in January 2017. The examiner, Mr John Slater, has recommended that the Olney neighbourhood plan, as modified by his recommendations, should now proceed to referendum.  He has also concluded that the plan, if amended in line with his recommendations, meets all the statutory requirements including the basic conditions test.

The council will arrange for the modifications to be made to the plan (including some additional minor changes), as set out in its Decision Statement after which the Olney Neighbourhood Plan as amended in line with the modifications will be published on this website. It is hoped that subsequent to this, the referendum will take place in late June or early July 2017. The Examiner has recommended that the referendum will cover the whole of the Olney Town Council area.

Please note that a corrected version of the Council’s Decision Statement has been published in place of the original version published on 15 May to remedy an error relating to the proposed modifications to Policy ONP15

Neighbourhood Plan Submission

January 2017

Olney Town Council  submitted their Neighbourhood Plan to Milton Keynes Council following a round of public consultation on a draft version of the Neighbourhood Plan. Milton Keynes Council  publicised the Plan for 6 weeks from 25 January to 8 March 2017 to bring it to the attention of interested parties. 

For more information about the Olney Neighbourhood Plan and the submission stage go to:

Olney Neighbourhood Plan Submission - Publicity Information

The submission documents provided by Olney Town Council are the:

Olney Neighbourhood Plan Submission Version

Olney Neighbourhood Plan Submission - Proposals Map


The Town Council  also published a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Report in support of their Neighbourhood Plan which can be viewed at:

Olney Neighbourhood Plan Submission - Strategic Environmental Assessment Report


Designation of Neighbourhood Area

Following a Delegated Decision on 22 April 2014, the area put forward by Olney Town Council in their Neighbourhood Plan Area Application has now been approved as a Neighbourhood Plan Area.

To comply with regulation 7 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, Milton Keynes Council is publicising the following details:

•The name of the Neighbourhood Area: Olney Neighbourhood Area.

•The name of the relevant body who applied for the designation: Olney Town Council

•A map of the designated area can be viewed at: Olney Neighbourhood Area

•The relevant Delegated Decision Report and decision note can be viewed at: Delegated Decision 22 April 2014


Submission and Consultation

In November 2013, Olney Town Council applied to Milton Keynes Council, in accordance with the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012, to designate an Olney Neighbourhood Plan Area.

The application and a statement explaining why and how Olney Town Council intends to prepare a Neighbourhood Plan, and how the organisation and area meet the conditions of Section 61G(2) and 61F(5) of the Town And Country Planning Act, 1990 can be viewed at:

• Olney Neighbourhood Area Designation Application

In accordance with Regulation 6 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012 Milton Keynes Council consulted residents and other interested stakeholders on this application. The Consultation ran for a 6-week period from 22 January to 5 March 2014. A copy of the consultation statement can be viewed at the link below.

• Olney Neighbourhood Area Application Consultation Statement

This was not a consultation on the Neighbourhood Plan itself, but merely the identification of the area for which the parish or town council wished to prepare a neighbourhood development plan.

Following the close of the 6 week consultation period, Milton Keynes Council considered all the comments received and prepared a report and recommendation to take to the Delegated Decision on the 22 April 2014.