Regeneration in Serpentine Court

Serpentine Court demolition notice 2022

From Thursday 27 October 2022 residents of Serpentine Court will be served notice that Serpentine Court is to be demolished, sometime within the next 7 years. Please note this is part of the process for MKCC so there is no need for any concern, all is explained in the documents which will include contact details for officers should you need to discuss the notice.

It’s also worth noting that this notice lasts for seven years, which is the maximum amount of time MKCC has to demolish Serpentine Court without a further application, but they hope to have new homes built and Serpentine Court flats emptied well before the seven year time period.

A copy of the Notice and supporting documents are on the links below

Serpentine Court Regeneration Timeline

Key project documents

Regeneration Update April 2020

Exhibition January 2020

Pre-planning exhibition

A Pre-Planning Application Exhibition took place in January 2020 to share information about the planning application.

Leaflets were distributed to all homes in the Lakes Estate with the help of local volunteers.

Lakes Summer Exhibition July 2019

Design Exhibition September 2019

Lakes From Above February 2019

In February 2019, we held our ‘Lakes From Above’ event to look at the open spaces in the estate, and the improvements that residents want to see.

In September 2017 we started meeting residents and stakeholders in Serpentine Court. We hosted a programme of events to get residents involved in developing the regeneration plan options.


  • On 16 and 17 November 2018, a referendum ballot was held for all Serpentine Court Residents to vote on the option they preferred.

  • 84% of Serpentine Court residents voted. 93% of these (175) residents favoured Option C - full redevelopment.

  • This is a great achievement for the Serpentine Court Resident Steering Group and all who have supported the group to make this happen.

Serpentine Court housing offer document

More information 

For further information, please contact or Sam Goodwin on 07764 413211

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


Why are we doing regeneration?

Serpentine Court is an aging block that is proving more difficult and expensive to maintain to the standards we and our residents expect. Following a ballot in 2018 tenants voted for the Lakes regeneration project to be brought forward in order to provide new homes to those living in secure accommodation in Serpentine Court as well as providing other estate improvements that will benefit the wider Lakes Community.

What are the aims of regeneration?

The Community-Led Regeneration and Estate Renewal Strategy aims to improve our estates and build healthy, safe and sustainable communities. We will achieve this by bringing together local residents and community leaders, such as parish and town councils, to identify where we can invest in our communities by improving facilities and opportunities for local people, repurposing existing buildings and building new council homes. We will keep environmental sustainability at the forefront of any regeneration activity and will promote health and wellbeing so that everyone has the same opportunities to live a long and healthy life. Milton Keynes City Council is responsible for delivering a range of vital services for people and businesses in MK. We play a crucial role in facilitating the social and economic growth of the city, working with partners across the public, private and voluntary sectors to ensure the delivery of housing, infrastructure and community facilities to meet the needs of our growing population.

How long will it take?

We expect to be onsite building the first new homes on the Lakes estate in 2023 with construction of the revised Phase A due to be completed in 2025. We do not currently have the timescales for Phase B.

What is going to happen with Serpentine Court?

Once all the properties in Serpentine Court are empty, the buildings will be demolished.

Why did MKCC decide to only regenerate Serpentine Court and not the whole of the Lakes Estate?

The council owned homes, and the external and communal spaces in Serpentine Court, are in need of significant investment, refurbishment or replacement. This is largely to due to the age of the properties, how they were built and how they have been maintained. Over the last 5 years, most of the council owned homes across the Lakes Estate have had significant investment, with new cladding, insulation, windows and doors fitted. These homes, therefore, do not have the same investment requirements as homes in Serpentine Court. However, it the wider Lakes Estate will benefit from other improvements such as new and improved community and commercial facilities. Several of the courtyards have also been improved along with the provision of 4 new play parks. Upgrades will also be made to Warren Park which will benefit all residents living on the estate. The estate will also see a number of new homes being built on a series of ‘satellite sites’.

How will the regeneration be funded?

The regeneration will be funded in a number of different ways that include, but may not be limited to: • MKCC’s Housing Revenue Account • Council borrowing • Grant funding

What independent advice will be available for residents?

Every regeneration programme should have the opportunity to benefit from an Independent Advisor. Independent Advisors provide support and advice for residents, focussing on how regeneration affects them. The advisor will work with residents and resident groups to involve them in decision making, set standards and agree how they would like to be engaged with. The independent advisor for the Lakes Estate is Kevin Farrell from Tpas. He was chosen by the tenants of Serpentine Court. Tpas has a freephone telephone line and email address specifically for Serpentine Court residents. If you would like to find out more about the current consultation on the future of Serpentine Court; have any questions or wish to put your point of view across, you can contact Kevin for free independent using the freephone and email details: Freephone: 0800 731 1619 Email:

Will the new homes all have water meters?

Yes, all new homes built since 1990 are fitted with a water meter.

Will the new homes have a gas supply?

No, all new houses will be fitted with an air source heat pump. It is a fan-powered unit that extracts warmth from the outside air to provide heating and hot water for the home.

Will the new homes have solar panels on the roofs?

Yes. Where possible, houses will be built so that roofs face south in order to maximise the amount of sunlight hitting the roofs. Where this occurs, solar panels will be installed. In some cases, this may not be possible.

Will the new blocks of flats have a fire sprinkler system installed and adequate fire exits?

Blocks of flats over 11m tall will have a compliant sprinkler system fitted. Blocks of flats under 11m tall are unlikely to have a sprinkler system but will have adequate means of escape in case of a fire.

Will the new blocks of flats have a secure door entry system and CCTV?

There will be a secure door entry system and CCTV is currently being considered.

Will the new blocks of flats have lifts?

The new blocks will have lifts if they are 4 storeys or higher.

How big will the gardens be to the new homes?

The back gardens will need to be at least 10m deep unless agreed otherwise by Milton Keynes City Council.

Will we still have a secure tenancy?

Secure tenants will retain their secure tenancy.

With three bedroom homes, will there be a combined bathroom and toilet and also a separate toilet?

Yes. The layout and size of new homes can be found on our website here

How many offers will people get?

The Local Lettings Policy will determine how many offers will be made.

Will there be road access built that makes it easy to get from one side of the estate to the other?

Yes. There are 4 small roads planned as links between Fern Grove and Windermere Drive.

Will my Homeloss payment affect any benefits I receive?

It is our understanding that this is a local decision by the local benefits agency.