Find your language level


  • If you have no prior knowledge of the language or know only a few words or phrases, enrol on a Beginners course


To join an Improvers class you should already be able to:

  • Address people differently according to how well you know them
  • Use basic phrases to cope with familiar tasks
  • Pick out pieces of information from simple, familiar spoken and written sources
  • Ask and answer simple questions on familiar topics
  • Fill in a simple form and write a list of items


To join an Intermediate class you should already be able to:

  • Take part in a simple conversation about familiar topics
  • Understand the main points of a simple, short written or spoken text
  • Write a simple message or short text with the help of a dictionary
  • Recognise and use phrases to express past events and future plans

Upper Intermediate

To join an Upper Intermediate class you should already be able to:

  • Take part in a short conversation on a familiar topic and a short discussion, give and justify simple opinions
  • Understand the main points of simple spoken or written texts
  • Write a message, letter, or short text with the help of a dictionary
  • Use a range of tenses to express the present, past and future in familiar settings


To join an Advanced class you should already be able to:

  • Maintain a conversation on a familiar topic and give and justify your opinions
  • Understand most of spoken or written texts on familiar topics
  • Write a letter or report giving and justifying opinions and/or a point of view
  • Use a range of tenses confidently

If you are still unsure about which class to choose or have any other questions you can contact us on 01908 252500 or email the Curriculum Manager for Languages.

Community Learning - Adult Education

Community Learning - Adult Education contact information

CLMK Learning Centre, MK Central Library, 555 Silbury Boulevard, Milton Keynes MK9 3HL